"We movie stars all end up by ourselves. Who knows? Maybe we want to" - Bette Davis
"The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he's dead" - Bette Davis
"The best time I ever had with Joan Crawford was when I pushed her down the stairs in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" - Bette Davis
"I survived because I was tougher than anybody else" - Bette Davis
"Old age is no place for sissies" - Bette Davis
"A face is like the outside of a house, and most faces, like most houses, gives you an idea of when we can expect to find inside" - Loretta Young
Fashion should not be expected to serve in the stead of courage or character" - Loretta Young
"Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form, it's rewards are inestimable" - Loretta Young
"Gratitude isn't a burdening emotion" - Loretta Young
"I couldn't bear it if anyone knew I had hardly any self confidence at all" - Loretta Young
"A woman in love can't be reasonable - or she probably wouldn't be in love" - Mae West
"An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises" - Mae West
"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before" - Mae West
"Don't keep a man guessing too long - he's sure to find the answer somewhere else" - Mae West
"I believe it's better to be looked over than it is to be overlooked" - Mae West
"I am big, it's the pictures that got small" - Gloria Swanson
"If you're 40 years old and you've never had a failure, you've been deprived" - Gloria Swanson
"My mother and I could always look out the same window without ever seeing the same thing" - Gloria Swanson
"Nobody gets anything for nothing" - Gloria Swanson
"Writing a story of your own life is a bit like drilling your own teeth" - Gloria Swanson
"Create your own visual style - let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others" - Orson Welles
"Every actor in his heart believes everything bad that's printed about him" - Orson Welles
"Gluttony is not a secret vice" - Orson Welles
"I don't pray because I don't want to bore God" - Orson Welles
"I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts" - Orson Welles
"You never heard of a comedy team that didn't fight, did you?" - Bud Abbott
"It gets so boring at home. After all, how many reruns of Abbot & Costello movies can a guy watch on television?" - Bud Abbott
"God makes stars. I just produce them" - Samuel Goldwyn
"A career is born in public, talent in privacy" - Marilyn Monroe
"A sex symbol becomes a thing. I hate being a thing" - Marilyn Monroe
"Dogs never bite me, just humans" - Marilyn Monroe
"I made more lousy pictures than any actor in history" - Humphrey Bogart
"A hot dog at the ball park is better than a steak at the Ritz" - Humphrey Bogart
"Things are never so bad they can't be made worse" - Humphrey Bogart
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